Wisdom Inspired
Nov 18 Ep 316 Sheep and Shepherds
November 18, 2021
Throughout the Bible, we find many references to sheep. Sheep were often used as sacrificial animals as well as a primary source of income in ancient Middle Eastern cultures. Although sheep were a major source of income in agricultural societies, shepherding sheep was one of the lowliest occupations. In fact, it was the wealthy landowners who sought out boys and men they felt were unqualified for the more respectable jobs for that of tending sheep. In this episode, we discover how this ties into our relationship with God through Jesus Christ and helps us better understand ourselves in relation to our Good Shepherd. #LivingTheSheepLife
Wisdom Inspired is a podcast designed to help High Achievers jump-start the day with the fuel needed to help propel you to keep moving forward and is sponsored by the AAC CoWorking community. A Faith-Based VIRTUAL CoWorking & Collaboration Community for High Achieving female entrepreneurs, For more about our virtual coworking and collaborating community and how you can benefit from the resources and transformational coaching and community, send an email to hello@aaccoworking.com #WisdomInspired #WisdomInspiredPodcast #WisdomInspiredSuccessCall